Reality check: the real-world real estate market does not operate on wishes and dreams. While it's fine to put a vision in place for the outcome you'd like to have from your home's sale, there is a line some sellers cross that ends up costing them significant amounts of time, money and opportunities to get their homes sold and move forward with their lives.
Sellers, how can you make sure that you are setting up an actionable plan, complete with targets and timelines, vs. playing in a fantasyland of costly denial and wishful thinking? Here are a few red flag scenarios. If you find yourself mentally lingering in any of these fantasies, you might want to course correct your thinking.
1. Wishing a wealthy buyer would just fall in love with your home enough to pay an above-market list price, all-cash, no questions asked. While I understand the thinking behind this one, that thinking is flawed - deeply flawed. The rationale goes: a wealthy buyer will be able to pay cash, so they won’t get an appraisal - or won’t be bound by it if they do get one. If they just love the place enough, they’ll be willing to do what rich people do, and indulge their heart’s desire by paying what I want for this place (even though my agent says that’s way too much).
Let me count the flaws in this thought process.
First, there’s a reason the average wealthy person stays wealthy, and that reason is because they are good stewards of the money they have. The classic book The Millionaire Next Door went so far as to provide proof points for the proposition that the average, everyday wealthy person is actually quite frugal, preferring low-budget wine to costly vintages and Timexes to Rolexes.
They make no exception for their real estate dealings. Well-off buyers still want to get every bit of value out of their dollars, so are maybe even less likely to pay a list price unsupported by comparables than a buyer with less cash on hand. And many wealthy folk will mortgage their homes, to keep their cash liquid and take advantage of the mortgage interest deduction, whether or not they have enough cash to buy your home outright - so the fantasy of no appraisal showers of cash is simply that: fantasy.
The very best way, in any market climate, to get top dollar for your home is to price it in a way that in an online search, it stands out from the competition as a strong value.
2. Wishing your home would just sell already. After all, the neighbor’s house did! If your home is lagging on the market while others fly on and off, wishing will not solve your problem. Strategic action will.
I once read an old Dale Carnegie book in which he gave the advice to put a “stop-loss order on your worries.” It’s always stuck in my mind as a simple, but vivid, reminder that the best practice in life is to refuse to waste your valuable time and energy worrying and wishing about things that have already happened or are inevitable. Instead, he said, accept what’s already done and get on the stick doing damage control or, even better, making lemonade from your lemons.
Some 70 years after Carnegie wrote it, this advice is still highly appropriate for sellers in buyer’s markets who find themselves with a case of this type of wishful thinking. Truth is, a large segment of buyers who are active at this time of year have tax, financial and lifestyle goals they are trying to meet by closing escrow before year’s end. Spending your - and their - precious moments of time on wishing is a setup for frustration and for missing out on the opportunity to sell your home to one of these urgent buyers.
Instead of worry-ridden wishing, get on the calendar for a course-correcting, action-planning strategy session with your agent. Go in understanding that their goal is to get your home sold, too. Throughout the meeting, keep an open mind and ear to their advice about the staging, pricing and marketing changes they recommend making, and don’t end the session until you have an agreed-upon calendar for completing them.
3. Wishing you had listed your home earlier in the year. October data from the National Association of Realtors® revealed that pending home sales nationwide have dropped for the fifth month in a row, due to interest rate and home price increases. This is not cause for alarm, as sales are still up year-over-year. In fact, these slight declines in buyer activity might simply reflect an expectable rollback in homes going into contract after the fever-pitched buyer activity pace we saw at the beginning of 2013.
Here’s how one analyst explained it to Bloomberg News: “'When mortgage rates went up, people got spooked and rushed into the market to seal deals,' Patrick Newport, an economist at IHS Global Insight in Lexington, Massachusetts, said. . .. 'The numbers that we’re seeing for pending home sales are payback for the stronger numbers earlier this year.'"
Maybe you originally thought about listing your home last year or this Spring, but you’ve just now gotten all your ducks in a row to get the place on the market. Or maybe it took you a while to realize that your once-underwater home is now in the black, empowering you to list it for sale - and now you regret not having listed it sooner. In any event, wishing you were doing something you didn’t do at a time you didn’t do it has never been a fruitful strategy, no matter what the context. In fact, I believe that things happen when they are supposed to happen. Bemoaning that they didn’t happen on some other timeline can cause you to overlook advantages that might operate in your favor, if only you opened your eyes to them.
There are buyers out there for well-prepared, clean, well-priced and smartly marketed homes in every market, no matter the time of year or the climate of the weather. Pay attention to the average number of days recently sold homes in your area took to sell, and don’t get upset or panicked about your home’s sale until you and your agent feel that your home is lagging, compared with the average.
Keep in mind that buyers who continue house hunting during the holiday season and in inclement weather tend to be some of the most serious, qualified and motivated buyers of the entire year. As well, seller competition can be lower this time of year, when many sellers are holding off to list or re-list their homes after January 1st. And stay mindful of the power you wield to control your home’s listing and sale. If you are convinced that selling at the beginning of the year is advantageous to selling at the end, you can take heart in the fact that the beginning of a whole new year is just around the corner!
SELLERS: Have you found yourself engaging in wishful thinking? What specific wishes come to your mind?
AGENTS: How do you help your seller clients get and stay grounded in reality?
PS: You should follow Trulia and Tara on Facebook!
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