Monday, July 2, 2012

7 Do's and Don's of Lawn Care

Winter is over and Spring is officially here! You’ve probably noticed your lawn is starting to grow back and weeds beginning to creep in. It’s time to get back into your lawn maintenance routine. We at Synergy Homes have come up with a list of seven lawn care dos and don’ts to keep your grass looking its best!
Do take time to prepare your lawn for the new season. Rake off any dead leaves and debris covering your lawn. Consider aerating. Aerating your lawn will help get water and fertilizer to the roots, enhance oxygen levels stimulate root growth.
Do use a slow-release fertilizer to release nutrients over a longer period of time keeping the lawn healthier.
Do keep your lawnmower well maintained. Before your first spring mow, change the oil, sharpen blades, and replace air filters and spark plugs to make sure your machine both runs smoothly and cut down on pollution.
Don’t mow too short! Keeping your lawn cut too short will invite more weeds. For warm weather grass like centipede and Bermuda, keep your lawn height between 1 and 2 inches.
Do water early in the morning. It’s best to water before 8am or so. This way your lawn can absorb the most amount of water without the sun evaporating any of it.
Don’t water every day. Not only will you help conserve water but infrequent watering will help keep your lawn drought resistant. Do follow the watering schedule on your utility bill.
Do consider using natural weed killer alternatives that are more environmentally friendly.
You can also always using a local lawn care services that has the skills and equipment to keep your lawn looking its best. Do your research – talk to friends, family or co-workers to find a service that best fits you

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