Sunday, October 20, 2013

Five Pitfalls to Avoid When Building An Online Brand

Posted on October 17, 2013 by adminkwblog Today, every real estate professional needs to build an online presence and brand to reach the greatest possible audience and build credibility. From a Website and blog to social media and email marketing, promoting yourself and building an online reputation are important business drivers. And while there are many tools and platforms on which to build this online reputation, there are also many missteps that online real estate marketers make. Here are five of the most common mistakes that can damage your online brand. 1. Negativity. We all have bad days, but venting about them in public isn’t the best way to handle your emotions. Treat your social media platforms as you would a dinner party conversation – keep the tone upbeat and engaging. No one wants to sit next to the person who complains, but they flock to the person who’s interesting, informative and makes them laugh. 2. Updating Lapses. It can be tough to keep up with all of the online marketing expected today, but hosting a blog or social media profile or page that hasn’t been updated in months or even years makes a bad impression. Ignoring your own brand might raise questions about attention to detail. Instead of trying to keep up with many different social media, try focusing on one or two, such as a Twitter profile and a blog or a Facebook page and YouTube channel. Then, add more as you have the time. But keep all of them populated with fresh content. (Read about free social media automation tools here.) 3. Oversharing. It’s important to share some information about yourself and your interests. After all, there’s a reason it’s called “social” media. But some people go overboard and feel like they need to share every thought that comes into their heads. That’s generally a bad idea. Go ahead and cheer your honor student from time to time, but think twice before posting updates on every meal you ate during the day. 4. Ignoring Comments. If people respond to your email messages or post on your social media profiles, be sure to answer them. These platforms offer powerful opportunities to network and build connections with people, turning them into customers and referral sources. When someone takes the time to share a comment, idea or question, be sure to respond and continue the conversation. Ignoring such outreach is a lost opportunity. 5. Promotion Overload. One big turnoff in online branding is relentless self-promotion. If you’re only tweeting about new listings and sales or blogging about your awards and accomplishments, your audience is going to get bored. Talk about their interests, like what’s going on in their communities or in the real estate market in general. Add a bit of a personal touch, too. If you love to fish or go antiquing, discuss your latest catch or find. Your audience will be more responsive if they see there’s a real person behind that polished façade

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