Sunday, December 1, 2013

Traditional Style Even a Modernist Could Love


Classic forms like gables and porches find new purpose in 13 modern-traditional homes

Houzz Contributor. I am an architect and writer living in New York City. I have Bachelor of Architecture and Master in Urban Planning degrees, and over ten years experience in architectural practice, split between Chicago and NYC. Currently I'm focused on writing and online pursuits. My daily blog can be found at
Houzz Contributor. I am an architect and writer living in New York City.... More 

At the beginning of the year I wrote a list of 10 resolutions for my ideabooks throughout 2013. Like many resolutions, the intent was sincere, based on things I wanted to improve, but the outcome was partial. One of the 10 points that I didn’t delve into much, if at all, is “embrace the traditional,” in which I said: “Some traditional design strikes my fancy, though I’m often at a loss as to why. Perhaps it’s design that isn’t self-conscious about being traditional. Whatever the case, the buildings that strike my fancy, whatever their style, will find a way into my ideabooks.”

If you follow my ideabooks, you know they tend to be almost exclusively in the modern/contemporary vein, though on at least one occasion I dipped my toe into a traditional-yet-modern Houzz tour. So with most of the year over, it seems time to explore the why in my statement above; why do some traditional designs strike my fancy? This ideabook presents some projects I find interesting, but ones that don’t fit into my usual interests. They are neither strictly traditional nor modern/contemporary; they bridge these realms to create interesting hybrids. I’ll try to talk about the appeal of each house, digging below the surface characteristics of style to get at some of the deeper qualities, dealing with scale, space and material.

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